Sunday, November 19, 2017

Another Trip to Nordegg

Last weekend Hailey and I took a drive out to Nordegg.  We met with our mechanical contractor to go over some of the work that he will be doing for us.  We also wanted to see what had taken place with respect to cottage construction over the past couple of weeks.  Unfortunately, almost nothing has changed.  The cottage is pretty much the way it was a month ago.  The overhead door has been installed on the garage, and the metal roof panels have been delivered to site.  I understand that roofing is supposed to be installed this coming week.
After meeting with our mechanical guy Hailey and I went for lunch at the restaurant in town.  Then we took a drive to explore.  There was not a lot of snow in the area and for that reason we didn't bother to bring the new snowmobile.  We took a drive up to Abraham Lake to see if the ice was starting to form.  There was no ice yet and the water was completely open.  I understand that a little ice exists at the upper end of the lake, but we never made it that far to check it out.  True to it's name it was extremely windy up at Windy Point.  So much so that you had to hold onto the truck door with two hands when you opened it to get out.  Seemed as though the wind might blow our teeth out.  It was warm... with the temperature up around +7C, but the wind made it impossible to do anything.  Hailey shot this video clip with her phone, from the window of the truck.  The wind gusts sweeping around the point were creating cool patterns on the open water.

We took a drive up the side road to Crescent Falls.  The road was closed for the season at the top of the big hill and we had to walk the last couple hundred yards.  Water was still roaring over the falls but it was concealed by a large ice formation that had accumulated.  We spent a little time here and wandered around a bit, taking a few snap shots.
By this time it was getting to be mid-afternoon and with the short days at this time of year we hit the road for home.  

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